Sometimes women are unhappy in the family. Lack of love, vitality and emotional devastation brought Marina to me. The woman was on the verge of a divorce with four children in her arms. She was building her own business, and I helped to open her the way. Two weeks of active work with her had its effect on. Marina became more self-confident and decided to divorce. “I will raise my children myself, I only need to have the strength and energy that I do everything right”, - the woman told me. After that, I actively started work with the fire, her subconsciousness and energy purification. Soon, she was offered to head a bank branch in one city with a prospect of working in Moscow. She had a choice of working in a neighboring country or developing her own business. I only advised listening to her heart, and promised to help with the white road opening. Marina made her choice. She began her life from the beginning, continued to develop her business and raise her children. Nobody said it was easy. A path is thorny to the stars. Nevertheless, there is always a choice. And it depends on you, follow the call of your heart. #storyofsuccess

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